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Reading Fluency Cards Grade 6

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Original price $55.87
Current price $42.98

Product Description

Practice and assess multiple aspects of fluency with our grade 6 card set.

Engages different kinds of readers with fiction and non-fiction texts in a variety of genres and content areas (math, science, social studies)

Includes total word count after each line of text for calculating Words Correct Per Minute

Offers suggested activities (partner, choral, audio-assisted & student/adult reading), definitions and pronunciation of difficult words, and checklist of characteristics of fluent reading on reverse side of each card

Reinforces and supports accuracy, rate, reading with emotion, intonation, stress, character reading and comprehension

Provides real-life photography picture cue on each card

Features numbered and leveled cards for easy organization and guidance to appropriate assignments; leveling systems match Reading Comprehension Card Set, Grade 6

Boxed set contains 30 cards, two 1-minute sandtimers, read-aloud CD of all texts, and 8-page, spiral-bound Teacher’s Guide with assessment templates

Grade 6

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